
5月, 2024の投稿を表示しています

ice cream survey

please answer my survey!! 読み込んでいます…

my invention

  more convenient vending machine  " vending machine for gym essentials "  (original problem and idea/solution ) I want to spread gym and fitness culture in Japan. Exercising at the gym and doing weight training has many benefits for us, but such a culture is not as common in Japan compared to other countries. So, in order to solve this problem, I decided to invent a vending machine that sells gym items in order to make more people aware of fitness. (specific) vending machine contents  gadgets snacks /drinks  grip grove  supplements  towel and extra clothes  gym essencial for gym beginners  (summery) My invention this time is to create a vending machine to spread Japan's fitness culture. Thanks to this vending machine, I hope that it will be an opportunity to convey the goodness of fitness to all Japanese people.

Product Review

-Creatine Monohydrate- (overview) creatine is a component that helps you quickly generate energy during high-intensity training such as resistance exercise (anaerobic exercise).in recent years ,not only professional athletes but also people who enjoy sports as hobby are increasingly taking supplements . in addition to improving athletic performance, it is also expected to have a variety of effects, including increasing muscle mass and improving brain function for middle-aged and elderly people. (Features) chemical found naturally in the body. It's also in red meat and seafood. It is often used to improve  exercise  performance and muscle mass. Creatine is involved in making energy for muscles. The majority of sports  supplements  in the US contain creatine (Pros and Cons) (+)increase muscle size and strength  ( +) improve brain function  (−)it may cause bloating in high doses ( +) creatin...